Buy & Sell Off Market

Properties Faster

See why real estate investors and wholesalers are switching to Omni Marketplace to buy and sell deals faster!

The Most Powerful Buying & Selling Platform Ever


Free To Sign Up

Stop paying for memberships to comparable softwares.


Cash Buyers Lists

Sell your deals in days instead of weeks.


Hedge Fund Buyers

Get access to institutional buyers who need more deals.

Trusted by real people, just like you.

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Best Selling Author

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Eight-Figure Wholesaler

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Seven-Figure Wholesaler

The Largest Off-Market Real Estate Network

The acquisitions and dispositions gateway for real estate investors and wholesalers






Buying Power


Hedge Funds

Unleash Your Potential

Buy and Sell more properties faster without limit.

It's time to scale your real estate operations.

The Omni Marketplace will help you scale quickly and easily.

Listing and searching for Off Market Properties has never been easier!


Many platforms are only focused on buyers or sellers. We focus on helping both.

Using the software is FREE, so you can search for your next property and save the ones you like as often as you want.

You can invite others to buy on the platform, or list a property and sell to one of our accessible buyers or Hedge Funds.

Your buying experience will be easier than ever!


Are you an investor or wholesaler that sells a lot of inventory? Look no further. List as many properties or contracts as often as you need.

Omni Marketplace help you sell more without the high monthly or yearly fees our competition tacks on.

Get started today, it's Free to join and list!


Connect with the buyers and sellers who are truly interested in making deals.

Ask Questions on property profiles to learn more about the off market property.


Launch a marketing campaign to the others that match your deal. Use SMS or Email to make announcements.

Create a buy box and get notified when a qualifying property comes available.

Make & Receive Offers

Know exactly where you are with each deal and which step to take next.

Track the deal from offer to close. Get access to lenders, title co's and we'll also handle the transaction coordination!

Not only do we make it easy to buy and sell, but we want to make it as seamless as possible saving you time and money.

Nationwide Opportunity

Everyday more and more deals are being added to Omni Marketplace. Join in on this opportunity to buy, sell and list properties and contracts on our innovative platform.

One Plan For Everyone

No Need To Pay a High Membership Fees

For All Types of Investors


$599 per month


Everything You Get:

Search, Offer & Buy Properties

List & Sell Properties

Send SMS Announcements

Send Email Announcements

Chat with buyers and sellers

Create a Buy Box

Track Property Offer to Close

Get Funding In Platform

So Much More

Have Questions?

Frequently Asked Questions

How can you provide this platform for free?

We charge a flat rate processing & technology fee to the buyer of the property at closing. This allows us to keep the platform free for sellers.

Can I download a buyers list?

Nope… we do not share any personal information of buyers or sellers. However, buyers are notified of properties that meet their criteria when they’re uploaded to the platform.

Is it free to sign up for Omni Marketplace?

Yes, signing up for Omni Marketplace is absolutely free. You can list, sell and search properties for free.

What is Omni Marketplace?

Omni Marketplace is a buying and selling platform specifically designed for real estate investors and wholesalers to trade off-market properties.

Can I scale my real estate business with Omni Marketplace?

Yes, Omni Marketplace offers all the tools you need to expand your real estate operations and buy and sell off-market properties without any limitations.

Can I list unlimited properties on Omni Marketplace?

Yes, as an investor or wholesaler, you can list as many properties or contracts as you need on Omni Marketplace.

How can I connect with buyers and sellers on Omni Marketplace?

Omni Marketplace allows you to connect with buyers and sellers who are genuinely interested in making deals. You can ask questions on property profiles and communicate through the platform's chat feature.

Is Omni Marketplace available nationwide?

Yes, Omni Marketplace operates across the United States, providing opportunities to buy, sell, and list properties and contracts nationwide.

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